Reduction of the activity of ribosomal genes with age in Down'ssyndrome

B. Borsatto
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 147- 154
The hypothesis of the coparticipation of ribosomal genes incontrolling the differential expression of genes with age is analyzedin Down's syndrome. The activity of ribosomal genes was testedcytogenetically by Ag-stained nucleolar organizer regions and bysatellite association in lymphocytes from 40 patients with Down'ssyndrome. Twenty patients were between 0 and 25 years old, and theothers were between 29 and 48 years old. Our results showed asignificant decrease with regard to total Ag staining and in relationto each chromosome pair in the older Down's syndrome group ascompared with the younger group. The total number of associatedchromosomes and the number of associations of each chromosome pairwere both significantly lower. The results show a decreased activityof ribosomal genes with age. This reduction may originate fromchanges in regulation and expression of these genes that might resultin differing cell translation ability.

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