Different variants of frontotemporal dementia: A neuropathologicaland immunohistochemical study

M. Bergmann
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 170- 179
Histological and immunohistochemical findings in 20 cases offrontotemporal dementias - 8 cases of dementia of frontal lobe type(DFT), 7 cases of Pick's disease (PD), and 5 cases of motor neurondisease with dementia (MND/D) - are presented. Common features of allthree syndromes were: frontotemporal atrophy, involvement ofsubcortical nuclei, and swollen chromatolytic cells. Ubiquitin (Ub)-positive and tau-negative inclusions in cortical, hippocampal, andmotor neurons were found in MND/D and DFT cases, suggesting a commonpathogenesis of MND/D and DFT. MND/D showed the same cytoskeletalalterations in motor nuclei as MND without dementia: Bunina bodiesand skein-like, Ub-positive inclusions. DFT differed from PD in thepreponderance of histopathological changes in upper cortical layers,the sparseness of chromatolytic cells, and the absence of tau-positive Pick bodies (PBs). There were, however, two transitionalcases showing Pick-type histology but no PBs, thus linking DFT andPD. PBs expressed chromogranin B and secretoneurin strongly, butchromogranin A only weakly. They were negative for the 70-kDa heat-shock protein, metallothionein, and glutathione-S-transferase.

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