The consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer's disease(CERAD). 14: Demographic and clinical predictors of survival inpatients with Alzheimer's disease

A. Heyman
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 656- 660
We made followup observations on 1,036 Consortium to Establish aRegistry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) patients with Alzheimer'sdisease (AD) enrolled in 21 university medical centers in the UnitedStates. Evaluations were scheduled annually for as long as 7 years;at the time of analysis, there were 332 deaths. The median durationof survival from time of entry into CERAD was 5.9 years (95% CI; 5.6to 6.4 years). Factors independently affecting survival were sex,age, and severity of dementia as measured by the Clinical DementiaRating scale and the Blessed Scale for activities of daily living.The median survival after entry was 5.7 years for men, compared with7.2 years for women. For men age 70, 75, and 80 years, mediansurvival times were 6.5, 5.5, and 4.4 years, values notably less thanthose for the general population. Neither race, education, normarital status significantly affected survival. This large nationwidestudy confirms the fact that AD is associated with shorter survival,particularly in men, subjects age 70 or older, patients with greaterimpairment in daily activities of living, and those with more severedementia.

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