Do consensus conferences influence their participants?

A.M. Clarfield
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 331- 336
Objective: To determine whether participation in a consensus conference on the assessment of dementia would influence conference participants withrespect to their recommendations to primary care physicians for the assessment of dementia.⌠Design: Questionnaire before and after the conference.⌠Setting: Canadian Consensus Conference on the Assessment of Dementia, held in Montreal, Oct. 5 and 6, 1989.⌠Participants: All 38 experts representing relevant health disciplines who participated in the consensus conference; 36 completed both questionnaires.⌠Outcome measures: Participants' opinion before andafter the conference as to how frequently each of 28 manoeuvres (12 blood tests, 4 neurologic imaging procedures, 4 types of consultation and 8 ''other'' tests) should be ordered by primary care physicians as part of an assessment of a patient with dementia suspected on clinical grounds.⌠Results: For 18 (64%) of the 28 manoeuvres (10 of the 12 blood tests, 3 of the 4 neurologic imaging procedures and 5 of the 8 ''other'' tests), there was a shift in opinion after the conference toward recommending that primary care physiciansthem less often, for 10 of these 18 (5 blood tests and 5 ''other'' tests) the shift was statistically significant. For the remaining 10 manoeuvres (36%) the shift in opinion was toward a recommendation that primary care physicians order them more often; the shift was not statistically significant for any of these 10 manoeuvres.⌠Conclusion: Expert members of a consensus conference are influenced by the process of having participated in such a conference and are capable and willing to change their initial recommendations when confronted with relevant data.

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