Visual and somatosensory evoked potentials in Parkinson's andBinswanger's disease

B. Okuda
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 53- 58
To compare subcortical involvement of Parkinson's disease (PD) withthat of Binswanger's disease (ED), we examined visual evokedpotentials (VEPs) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in 29patients with PD and 7 patients with ED and 11 control subjects. Thepatients with PD were divided into two groups: PD without dementia(nD-PD: n = 18) and PD with dementia (D-PD: n = 11). The D-PDpatients showed significantly longer P100 latencies in VEPs comparedwith the nD-PD patients or controls. The P100 latencies werenegatively correlated with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scorein the PD patients. The ED patients showed significantly longercentral conduction time (CCT) in SEPs (interpeak latency between N13and N20 responses) compared with the nD-PD patients or controls.There was no correlation between CCT and MMSE score in the EDpatients. These results suggest that PD has a predilection forsensory system involvement distinct from that of ED. In D-PD, thevisual system seems more vulnerable than the somatosensory system,but almost the reverse is true of ED.

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