Cohort Profile: The Health and Memory Study (HMS): a dementia cohort linked to the HUNT study in Norway

Sverre Bergh, Jostein Holmen, Jessica Gabin, Eystein Stordal, Arvid Fikseaunet, Geir Selbæk, Ingvild Saltvedt, Ellen M Langballe, Kristian Tambs
Bok 2014
doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu007
The aim of the Health and Memory Study (HMS) of Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, was primarily to establish a database suitable as basis for a large number of studies on dementia Data from the HMS study were collected via questionnaires and examinations during the period from 1995 to 2011. The dementia panel consists of 620 participants residing in nursing homes and 920 participants referred to memory clinics of Nord-Trøndelag.

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