The meaning of growing plants: contributions to the elderly living in sheltered housing

Erja Rappe, Aino-Maija Evers
Bok Engelsk 2001
5 s.
Artikkel i doktoravhandling. - In this qualitative research conducted in Finland, 12 residents in sheltered housing for aged people were interiewed to explore the meanings they associate with the growing plants . Growing plants had both individual and social meanings for the interviewees. The individual meaning were catgorized into three groups: one`s own growing skills, the continuty of time, and creating experiences. The category "one`s own growing skills" was coded into thre e subcategories: individual settings and growing methods, interpretation of the plants∩needs and responses, and adaptation to current situation. The social meanings identified in the data were also divided into three catgories: significant acts undertaken for other people, indications about the gardner, and teh feeling of togetherness. The results of the research suggest that growing plants may have an effect on the wellbeing of the elderly who have a rural background and are living in institutional settings, espeacially for those acsepts threatened by intstitutional environments: authonomy, a sense of control, identity, and the opportunity to form social relationships

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