Physiotherapy and physical activity - experiences of adult with cerebral palsy, with implications for children

R.Jahnsen, L.Villien, G.Aamodt, J.K.Stanghelle , I.Holm
Bok Engelsk 2004 Reidun Jahnsen
11 s.
In 1947 the World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced an expanded definition of health by including the presence of physical, social and mental wellbeing, and not only the absence of disease (42). This expanded health concept also connected health and subjectivt satisfaction. However, not until the 1970s research on quality of life started to emerge. From eight articles on quality of life indexed in MedLine in the 1960s, there were 180 in 1970'es, and more than 9000 in the 1990'es (43). Life satisfaction and quality of life often been used as one global entity. However, with the recognition of the patients'perspective within somatic medicine, quality of life has developed into a multidimensional health related construct including physical, social, and mental dimensions, accordiing to the expanded health concept (43). In Paper I - IV parts of health related quality of life was measured according to The Short Form 36, Health survey (SF 36) (44).In Paper I, Il, and IV life satisfaction was defined as subjective quality of life personal and subjective experience of being satisfied and happy with life as a whole domain-specific parts of life (45). Life satisfaction can be defined according to each individual's degree of personal goal achievement (45). If the difference between goals and goal achievement is too big, life satisfaction is affected. This definition of life satisfaction coincides well with the "social model of disability", emerging in Norway from the 1990 ies(46), as opposed to the "medical model' (47). While the "medical model" focuses or individual impairments and functional limitations, the "social model' focuses on the relation between personal resources and the environmental demands (46-47). If the gap between personal resources and the challenges in daily life becomes too large, it creates a goal achievement gap which may lead to reduced life satisfaction. In this way life satisfaction and health become closely linked together. In the present study life satisfaction was measured according to the Life Satisfaction Scale (45), and in the study by Villien (27) life satisfaction in our sample was compared to life satisfaction in a Swedish refrence group (45).

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