Psychiatric and behavioral disturbances in elderly mentally retarded before and after deinstitutionalization

Jim Aage Nøttestad, Børge Strømgren, Olav M. Linaker
Bok Engelsk 2004
5 s.
Before deinstiutionalization for the mentally retarded in Norway it was argued that the ordinary health care system could give the same or better health care than the institutions, and that institutions created psychiatric health problems that wolud diminish or disapper with their closing. The present study examines the psychiatric health problems and the psychiatric health services received in an elderly, formerly institutionalized, population in a Norwegian county before and after deinstitutionalization. Psychiatric disorders remained frequent, and did not change after deinstitutionalization. Minor behavioral disturbances increased in spite of deinstitutionalization and improved living conditions. Access to qualified help from psychiatrists and psychologists was low, with a decrease in the use of psychologists

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