Impact of objective health on well-being in nonagenarians

Pernilla K. Hillerås, Hedda Agüero-Torres, Anthony F. Jorm, Kjerstin Ericsson, Bengt Winblad
Bok Engelsk 2000 Pernilla Hillerås
14 s.
ABSTRACT: Although the literature on studies of well-being in elderly samples is quite extensive nowadays, no research has been done on the impact of specific medical disorders in very old people. The aim of this study was to assess whether there is an association between objective health, measured as clinical medical diagnoses, and well-being, divided into life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect among nonagenarians. The study involved 105 people, 90 years or above, who had no cognitive impairment, living in the inner parts of Stockholm, Sweden. Subjects were given a medical examination covering eye diseases, osteoarticular diseases, cancer, cerebrovascular diseases, bronchopulmonary diseases, heart diseases, and endocrine diseases. Well-being was assessed with the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and the Life Satisfaction Index-Z. The data suggested there is no association between physical diagnoses and well-being, despite the fact that a self-rated health measure was found to be associated with life-satisfaction. There are, however, some lirnitations of this study such as the small sample size and diagnoses that were not covered. The present study concludes that nurses should be aware that well-being in very old people may be more closely related to how they look upon the disease than the disease itself.

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