Handbook of the mammals of the world. 5,. Monotremes and marsupials

chief editors, Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier ; associate editors Albert Martínez-Vilalta, David Leslie Jr., David Christie ; artwork editor and Color Plates illustrator Toni Llobet ; photographic editors Josep del Hoyo, José Luis Copete, Albert Martínez-Vilalta ; authors Ken Aplin...
Bok Engelsk 2015 Handbook of the mammals of the world
Annen tittel
Barcelona : Lynx Edicions , cop. 2015
799 s. : illustrasjoner, kart
"Published by Lynx Edicions in association with Conservation International and IUCN" -- Omslaget. - Introduction / D. E. Wilson -- Recently extinct Australian marsupials and monotremes / K. M. Helgen & E. G. Veatch -- Order MONOTREMATA -- Family Tachyglossidae (Echidnas) / S. C. Nicol -- Family Ornithorhynchidae (Platypus) / T. R. Grant -- Order DIDELPHIMORPHIA -- Family Didelphidae (Opossums) / D. Astúa -- Order PAUCITUBERCULATA -- Family Caenolestidae (Shrew-Opossums) / B. D. Patterson -- Order MICROBIOTHERIA -- Family Microbiotheridae (Monito Del Monte) / R. E. Palma & Valladares-Gómez -- Order NOTORYCTEMORPHIA -- Family Notoryctidae (Marsupial Moles) / K. P. Aplin -- Order DASYUROMORPHIA -- Family Myrmecobiidae (Numbat) / J. A. Friend -- Family Dasyuridae (Carnivorous marsupials) / A. M. Baker -- Order PERAMELEMORPHIA -- Family Thylacomyidae (Greater Bilby) / R. I. Southgate -- Family Peramelidae (Bandiccots and Echymiperas/ C. R. Dickman -- Order DIPRODONTIA -- Family Phascolarctidae (Koala) -- Family Vombatidae (Wombats) -- Family Burramyidae (Pygmy Possums) -- Family Phalangeridae (Cuscuses, Brush-tailed Possums and Scaly-Tailed Possum) / K. M. Helgen & S. M. Jackson -- Family Pseudocheiridae (Ring-tailed Possums and Greater Gliders) / S. M. Jackson -- Family Patauridae (Striped Possums, Leadbeaters Possum and Lesser Gliders) / S. M. Jackson -- Family Tarsipedidae (Honey Possum) / R. D. Wooler -- Family Acrobatidae (Feather-tailed Gliders and Feather-tailed Possum) / K. P. Aplin -- Family Hypsirymnodontidae (Musky Rat Kangaroo) / A. J. Dennis -- Family Potoridae (Bettongs and Potoroos) M. D. B. Eldridge & G. J. Frankham -- Family Macropodidae (Kangaroos and Wallabies) / M. D. B. Eldridge & G. M. Coulson

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