The Longest journey

composed by Bjørn Arve Lagim & Tor Linløkken
Musikk på CD Ingen 2001 · Rollespillmusikk
Linløkken, Tor (komp.)
[S.l.] : Funcom , 2001
1 CD
CD-en inneholder musikken til det norske dataspillet "Den lengste reisen" (The longest journey) som ble utgitt i 1999 og utviklet av Funcom. - Funcom: 7070263000041. - Innhold: Main menu ; Prologue ; Main titles ; Venice ; The first shift ; Marcuria and the northlands ; The gribbler ; The subway and Hope Street ; The great library ; Reading music ; The gargoyle and the labyrinth ; The storm and the sea ; Alais ; Inside the Alatien City ; The deep and the old god ; The house of all worlds ; Jacob MacAllen ; Death and rebirth ; Danger ; Into the wormhole ; Desolation and the well of making ; The ghost house ; The tower ; Epilogue ; End credits ; The longest journey suite / Bjørn Arve Lagim. Dragon ; Eagle ; Dolphin ; Unicorn / Tor Linløkken

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