Best of country & western

Clive Scott · Clive Scott and Skywegians ; featuring Claudia Scott
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2010 · country and western
Annen tittel
Bergen : Polydor , 2010
1 CD
Best of country and western utgitt 1. gang 1970. End of October utgitt 1. gang 1971. - Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Polydor: 2382012. - Innhold: Best of country and western: Lovesick blues ; Jackson ; Good white shirt ; Under your spell again ; The race is on ; She's gone ; Last thing on my mind ; I'll lay it on my mind ; Keep a light burnin' bright ; I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand. End of October: Sittin on a blue train ; We can do it if we wan't to ; What kind of love ; Indian river ; Skyvegians special ; I'll be waitin' for you my love ; Farewell dear daddy ; It's time ; My song to you ; I love another woman ; Have you seen the glory. - Clive Scott and Skywegians, featuring Claudia Scott: Terje Mjelde, Oddleiv Lygre, Per Harald Eide, John Hjelle, Nils Borge, Kjell Birkeland, Ole Pedersen, Rune Stigen, Marita Scott, Karl Kildehaug, Johannes Kleppevik, Helge Milde, Harald Dyb, Torvind Mittli, Olaf Nilsen, Sven Pettersen, Sven Arne Amundsen, Arne Bø, Svein Arne Madsen, Arve Håland, Jan Olav Breivik

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