Ryan Adams & the Cardinals
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2010 · countryrock

New York : Lost Highway , 2010
2 CDer + 2 teksthefter
Lost Highway: 0602517892781. - Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne i heftene. - Innhold: Breakdown into the resolve ; Dear Candy ; Wasteland ; Ultraviolet light ; Stop playing with my heart ; Lovely and blue ; Happy birthday ; Kisses start wars ; The crystal skull ; Users ; No ; Numbers ; Gracie ; Icebreaker ; Sewers at the bottom of the wishing well ; Typecast ; Star wars ; My favorite song ; P.S. ; Death and rats ; Kill the lights. - Ryan Adams & the Cardinals: Neal Casal, Jon Graboff, Brad Pemberton, Catherine Popper, Jamie Candiloro
countryrock . - pop . - rock

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