The ultimate gospel choir book. Volume 1. 30 gospels & spirituals for mixed choir (S.A.T.B.)

arranged by Jeff Guillen
Musikknoter Engelsk 1993 · gospel og spirituals
Hamburg : Zebe , 1993
59 s.
For blandet kor. Besifring. - Innhold: Amen ; Balm in Gilead ; Burden down ; By an' by ; Certainly ; Come and go ; Deep river ; Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel ; Down by the riverside ; Free at last ; Goin' to set down an' rest awhile ; Good news ; The gospeltrain ; He's got the whole world ; Hold on ; I know the Lord ; Joshua fight the battle of Jericho ; Let us break bread together ; Lord, Lord, Lord ; Rocks on the mountain ; Roll, Jordan ; Somebody's knocking ; Sometimes I feel ; Steal away ; There's a meeting ; Trampin' ; Wade in the water ; Walk together children ; Were you there ; When the stars begin to fall

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