Music inspired by the Lord of the rings

Mostly Autumn
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2001 · pop
Hull : Legend Records ; CRL0854 , 2001
1 CD
Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Overture - Forge of Sauron ; Greenwood the great ; Goodbye alone ; Out of the Inn ; On the wings of Gwaihir ; At last to Rivendell ; Journey's thought ; Caradhras the cruel ; The riders of Rohan ; Lothlorien ; The return of the king ; To the grey havens ; Helm's deep. - Mostly Autumn: Bryan Josh, Heather Findlay, Iain Jennings, Angela Goldthorpe, Andy Smith, Jonathan Blackmore, Liam Davison
pop . - rock

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