The trackless record

Iris DeMent · [all text by Anna Akhmatova]
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2015 · americana
Akhmatova, Anna (tekstf.)
[U.S.A.] : Flariella Records , 2015
1 CD + teksthefte
Flariella Records: CD-FER-1006. - Innhold: To my poems ; Broad gold ; And this you call work ; From the Oriental notebook ; Prayer ; Not with deserters ; All is sold ; Reject the burden ; From an airplane ; Oh, how good ; Like a white stone ; Song about songs ; Listening to singing ; Lot's wife ; Upon the hard crest ; The souls of all my dears ; The last toast ; Not with a lover's lyre/Anna Akhmatova's reciting of "The muse". - Opplysninger om de øvrige utøverne i tekstheftet

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