Permanent revolution

Catch 22
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2006 · pop

[USA] : Victory Records , 2006
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Victory Records: VR292. - Innhold: Prologue ; The spark (1902) - The beginning of Trotsky's political activism ; Party song (1917) - Communists win control of Russia ; The Decembrists' song (1921) - Remembering of the Decembrists' revolt ; A minor point (1922) - Soviet Union founded ; On the Black Sea (1924) - Lenin's death ; Bad party (1927) - Trotsky expelled from party ; Alma Ata (1928) - Stalin takes control ; The purge (1936) - Stalin gains absolute power by killing any who oppose him ; Opportunity (1940) - Trotsky is exiled from the Soviet Union, then assassinated by a Soviet agent ; Epilogue. - Catch 22: Patrick Calpin, Ryan Eldred, Chris Greer, Kevin Gunther, Pat Kays, Ian McKenzie
pop . - punk . - rock . - ska

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