Blind leading the blind

Blind Orphans
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2012 · heavy rock
Spydeberg : Orphan Records , 2012
1 CD + 1 DVD + 1 teksthefte
Orphan Records: BOCD001. - Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne i heftet. - Innhold: 1989 album: In the middle of the forest ; Beneath the surface ; Circus of rock ; Distant light ; Song for a loser ; Scars in the depth of my mind ; The legacy. Bonus tracks: In the hall of the mountain hall ; Toccata in D minor ; In the middle of the forest ; Song for a loser ; The legacy, Part II + 1 DVD. - Blind Orphans: Rune Lamøy, Sven Kaare Sunde, Torbjørn Dybsand, Bjørn Thomassen, Ketil Kielland Lund, Lars Christian Narum, Pål Olav Loftesnes
heavy rock . - pop . - progrock . - rock

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