3H-noradrenaline release and mechanical response in the field stimulated mouse vas deferens

Lars-Ove Farnebo, Torbjørn Malmfors. Release of monoamines evoked by field stimulation, studies on some ionic requirements / Lars-Ove Farnebo, Peter Lidbrink. - Synthesis of norandrenaline in indolated rat iris during field stimulation / Lars-Ove Farnebo, Bertil Hamberger. - Drug induced changes in the release of 3H-monoamines from field stimulated rat brain slices / Lars-Ove Farnebo. - Effect of d-amphetamine on spontaneous and stimulation-induced release of catecholamines / Lars-Ove Franebo
Bok Engelsk 1971
Stockholm , 1971
52 s. : ill.

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