A concise history of Christian thought

Tony Lane
Bok Engelsk 2006 A.N.S. Lane
London : T&T Clark , c2006
X, 336 s.
Completely rev. and exp. ed.
pt. 1. The church of the fathers to AD 500 --Greek philosophy --Apostolic fathers --Justin Martyr --Irenaeus --Tertullian --Clement of Alexandria --Origen --Cyprian --Eusebius of Caesarea --Council of Nicea (325) --Athanasius --Ephrem the Syrian --Cyril of Jerusalem --Cappadocian fathers --Council of Constantinople (381) --Ambrose --John Chrysostom --Jerome --Augustine --Cyril of Alexandria --Council of Ephesus (431) --Theodoret of Cyrus --Leo the Great --Council of Chalcedon (451) --Apostles' Creed --pt. 2. The eastern tradition from AD 500 --Dionysius th Areopagite --Council of Constantinople (553) --Maximus the confessor --Council of Constantinople (680-81) --John of Damascus --Council of Nicea (787) --Simeon the new theologian --Gregory of Palamas --Confession of Dositheus (1672) --pt. 3. The mediaeval west (500-1500) --Athanasian creed --Boethius --Council of Orange (529) --Benedict --Gregory the Great --John Scotus Erigena --Anselm --Peter Abelard --Bernard of Clairvaux --Peter Lombard --Joachim of Fiore --Fourth Lateran Council (1215) --Francis of Assisi --Bonaventure --Thomas Aquinas --John Duns Scotus --William of Ockham --Thomas Bradwardine --John Tauler --Catherine of Siena --John Wyclif --Jan Hus --Council of Florence (1438-45) --Thomas à Kempis --Gabriel Biel. pt. 4. Reformation and reaction (1500-1800) --Desiderius Erasmus --The Lutheran tradition --Martin Luther --Philip Melanchthon --Augsburg confession (1530) --Formula of concord (1577) --Philip Jakob Spener --The Reformed Tradition --Ulrich Zwingli --Martin Bucer --John Calvin --Heinrich Bullinger --Heidelberg Catechism (1563) --Jakob Arminius --Synod of Dort (1618-19) --Jonathan Edwards --The Anabaptists --Schleitheim confession (1527) --Menno Simons --The British Reformation --William Tyndale --Thomas Cranmer --John Knox --Thirty-nine articles --Richard Hooker --William Perkins --Westminster confession --John Owen --Richard Baxter --Second London confession (1677) --John Bunyan --John and Charles Wesley --The Roman Catholic response --Gasparo Contarini --Ignatius Loyola --Council of Trent (1545-63) --Teresa of Avila --John of the cross --Robert Bellarmine --Blaise Pascal. pt. 5. Christian thought in the modern world (1800 onwards) --The liberals --Friedrich Schleiermacher --Albrecht Ritschl --Adolf von Harnack --Rudolf Bultmann --Paul Tillich --John Hick --The Evangelicals --Charles Finney --B.B. Warfield --G.C. Berkouwer --John Stott --Lausanne Congress (1974) --The new orthodoxy --Søren Kierkegaard --P.T. Forsyth --Karl Barth --Gustaf Aulén --Barmen Declaration (1934) --Dietrich Bonhoeffer --Reinhold Niebuhr --Jürgen Moltmann --Wolfhart Pannenberg --Other developments --Process theology --Kosuke Koyama --John Mbiti --George Lindbeck --The Roman Catholics --John Henry Newman --Ineffabilis Deus (1854) --First Vatican council (1869-70) --Munificentissimus Deus (1950) --Second Vatican council (1962-65) --Karl Rahner --Hans Urs von Balthasar --Hans Küng --Gustavo Gutiérrez --Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI --Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza --Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) --The Ecumenical movement --World council of churches --Baptism, Eucharist and ministry (1982) --Joint declaration on the doctrine of justification (1999).
Historisk framstilling
Kristen teologi
dogmehistorie teologi historie kristendom
biografisk oppslagsverk oversiktsverk

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