Complete piano music. Vol. 1. The prepared piano 1940-1952
John Cage
Bok 1997
Medvirkende | Schleiermacher, Steffen (utøv.)
Utgitt | [S.l.] : MDG , 1997
Omfang | 3 kompaktplate (54, 53, 66 min) + 1 teksthefte (63 s.)
Opplysninger | MDG: 613 0781-2. - Innhold: CD 1: Bacchanale ; Totem ancestor ; And the earth shall bear again ; Primitive ; In the name of the holocaust ; Our spring will come ; A room ; Tossed as it is untroubled ; The perilous night ; Root of an unfocus. - CD 2: The unavailable memory of ; Spontaneous earth ; Triple paced ; A valentine out of season ; Prelude for meditation ; Mysterious adventure ; Daughters of the lonesome isle ; Music for Marcel Duchamp ; Two pastorales. - CD 3: Sonatas and interludes for prepared piano. - Steffen Schleiermacher, preparert klaver
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