Handbook of International Economics, volume 4

Gopinath, Gina; Helpman, Elhanan and Kenneth Rogoff (eds.)
Bok Engelsk 2014
Amsterdam : Elsevier/North Holland , 2014
Content: 1. Melitz and Redding : Heterogeneous Firms and Trade, s.1 - 54 ; 2. Antràs and Yeaple : Multinational Firms and the Structure of International Trade, 2. 55 - 130 ; 3. Head and Mayer : Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook, s. 131 - 196 ; 4. Costinot and Rodrìguez-Clare : Trade Theory with Numbers: Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization, s.197 - 262 ; 5. Nuun and Trefler : Domestic Institutions as a Source of Comparative Advantage, s. 263 - 316 ; 6. Maggi : International Trade Agreements, s. 317 - 390 ; 7. Burstein and Gopinath : International Prices and Exchange Rates, s. 391 - 452 ; 8. Engel : Exchange Rates and Interest Parity, s. 453 - 522 ; 9. Heathcote and Perri : Assessing International Efficiency, s. 523 - 584 ; 10. Gourinchas and Rey : External Adjustmesnt, Global Imbalances, Valuation Effects, s. 585 - 646 ; 11. Aguiar and Amador : Sovereign Debt, s.647 - 688 ; 12. Lorenzoni : International Financial Crises, s. 689 - 740.

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