Statebuilding and state-formation: the political soiology of intervention

Bok Engelsk 2012
London and N.Y. : Routledge , 2012
xvi+270p. : Bibl. ref. after each chpt.
Content: 1) Florian Kühn: Risk and externalisation in Afghanistan: why statebuilding upends state formation; 2) Alex Veit: Internat. intervent. and the Congolese army: a paradox of intermediary rule; 3) Jens S. Sörensen: War makers and state makers: on state-formative networks and illiberal political economy in Kosovo; 4) Stacy Closson: Georgia South Ossetia networks of profit: challenges to statebuilding; 5) Lee Jones:Statebuilding versus state formation in East Timor; 6) The limitations of int. analyses of state and postconflict statebuilding in Sierra Leone; 7) Louise R. Andersen : Statebuilding and tacit trusteeship: the case of Liberia; 8) Rebecca Richards: The road less travelled: Self-led statebuilding and int. " non-intervention " in the creation of Somaliland; 9)A. Veit and Klaus Schlichte: 3 arenas: the conflictive logic of external statebuilding; 10) Stephan Hensell: The int.scramble for police reform in the Balkans; 11) Catherine Goetze and Berit B. de Guevara: The statebuilding habitus: UN staff and cultural dimensions of liberal intervention in Kosovo; 12) Kai Koddenbrock: The int. self and the humanitarianisation of politics: a case study of Goma; DRC;13) Lisa Smirl: The state we are (n't) in: liminal subjectivity in aid worker auto biographies; John Heathershaw: Conclusions: neither built nor formed - the transformation of states under international law.

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