Psychotherapy and medication : a dynamic integration

Meri Schachter
Bok Engelsk 1993
New Jersey : Jason Aronson Inc. , 1993
XXII, 323 s.
Har bibliografi. - This book is about the combination of medication and analytic therapy. The underlying assumption for the prohibtion of medication in analytic therapy has been that it would interfere irreparably with the development of the therapeutic process. Analysts have been concerned that patients would be so distracted by questions of dosage, side effects, and so on, that they would be unable to concentrate on discovering unconscious processes. The passage of time has, inevitably, altered the views of many in the field. Managed care plans, limited finacial resources, and the persistent clinical challenge of patients for whom years of dynamic psycotherapy have been minimally effective. There has also been medicolegal pressure to demonstrate effectiveness of treatment. This book is designed to be practically useful for psyhotherapists who want to understand the dynamics of medication.
Combined Modality Therapy
Drug Therapy
Mental Health
Mental Processes
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