A Comparison of the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and Refugees in Canada and Norway : Statistisk sentralbyrå Rapport 2009/31 : presentert ved 10. nordiske demografiske symposium i Lund, Sverige 12-14 august, 1992 : arbeidsnotat

fra Avdeling for personstatistikk, Statistisk sentralbyrå = Population and living conditions : papers from Central Bureau of Statistics : presented at 10th Scandinavian Demographic Symposium Lund, Sweden August 12-14, 1992 : working papers / from Department for Statistics on Individuals and Households, Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway
Bok Engelsk 2009
Flere språk: Bokmål
Oslo : Statistisk sentralbyrå , 2009
Nettressurs : fig.
Geografisk emneord

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