Irlande : early irish music = musique ancienne irlandaise

Musikk på CD Engelsk 1994
Annen tittel
S.l. : Auvidia, Ethnic , 1994
1 CD + bilag
B 6794. - Feachan Gleash ; Innholder flg. tradisjonelle irske melodier ; The Bantry Bay boys ; Sarsfield's Lamentation ; Marbhna no Cumba ; Dermott O'Dowd ; I wish you would marry me now ; Scott's lamentation ; Bonny tavern green ; The Colleen Rhu = The Cailin Rua ; The Waterford boys ; Girls have you seen George? ; The beardless boy ; Drimen duff ; The humours of Listivane ; Its jig ; Kitty Magenis ; The Taproom ; Hopetoun House ; The mountains streams where the Moorcocks crow ; Innholder også: Planxty Bourke ; Robert Jordan ; Patrick Kelly ; Arthur Shaen ; Mr. O'Connors jig ; Molly MacCall ; Henry McDermott-Roe ; James Betagh. - Jean-Michel Alhaits (fagott, fløyte) ; john Wright (fiolin, sang) ; Gerald Ryckeboer (fløyte) ; Hempson ; Delavier; Katrien (harpe)

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