Tactile stimulation associated with nursing care to individuals with dementia showing aggressive or restless tendencies : An intervention study in dementia care

Kirsti Skovdahl, Venke Sørlie, Mona Kihlgren
Bok Engelsk
Örebro; Stockholm; Oslo , u.å.
23 s.
This study aims to describe, from caregivers' documantation (28 weeks) of experiences, the giving of tactile stimulation to five randomly selected people with dementia showing aggressive or restless tendencies and the subsequently changes seen. The documentation was analysed using qulaitative content analysis. All residents displayed signs of positive feelings and relaxation. The caregivers stated that they felt able to interact with the residentsin a more positive way and that they felt that thay had a warmer relationship with them. Tactile stimulation canb also be seen as a valuable way to communicating non-verbally, of giving feedback, confirmation, consolation or a feeling of being valuable and taken care of. However, tactile stimulation has to be administrated with respect and care and given from a relational ethics perspective. Otherwise there is a risk that tactile stimulation will be used merely as a technique instead of as part of an effort to achieve optimal good, warm nursing care.

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