Hebrews and the temple : attitudes to the temple in second temple Judaism and in Hebrews

by Philip Church
Bok Engelsk 2017
XVIII, 615 sider
Revidert avhandling (doktorgrad) -- University of Otago, 2012. - "In Hebrews and the Temple Philip Church argues that the silence of Hebrews concerning the Temple does not mean that the author is not interested in the Temple. He writes to encourage his readers to abandon their preoccupation with it and to follow Jesus to their eschatological goal. Following extensive discussions of attitudes to the Temple in the literature of Second Temple Judaism, Church turns to Hebrews and argues that the Temple is presented there as a symbolic foreshadowing of the eschatological dwelling of God with his people. Now that the eschatological moment has arrived with the exaltation of Christ to the right hand of God, preoccupation with the Temple and its rituals must cease"--
Bibelen . NT. Hebr. : 90084840
Judaism - History

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