Fish Bioacoustics

Jacqueline F. Webb
Bok Engelsk 2008 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
New York : Springer , c2008
1 online resource (329 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Introduction to Fish Bioacoustics; Hearing and Acoustic Behavior: Basic and Applied Considerations; Structures and Functions of the Auditory Nervous System ofFishes; Evolution of Peripheral Mechanisms for the Enhancement of Sound Reception; Bioacoustics and the Lateral Line System of Fishes; Orientation to Auditory and Lateral Line Stimuli; Multipole Mechanisms for Directional Hearing in Fish; Vocal-Acoustic Communication: From Neurons to Behavior; Active and Passive Acoustics to Locate and Study Fish. - The study of how fish make and respond to sound has important implications for communication, physiology, behavior, and commercial techniques. This volume explores how fish detect and process signals. It demonstrates how bioacoustics is used to understand and affect fish behavior.
0387730281. - 9780387730288

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