Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages : Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber

Wim. Raven
Bok Engelsk 2008 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Leiden : : BRILL, , 2008.
1 online resource (737 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Preface; Hans Daiber, A Bibliography; Abbreviations; Islamic Philosophy and Theology; Some Notes on the Notion of Naskh in the Kaläm (Binyamin Abrahamov); Avicenna's Doctrine of the Primary Notions and its Impact on Medieval Philosophy (Jan A. Aertsen); On the Nature and Fate of Chapter V of Ibn Rushd's Epitome of Aristotle's Metaphysics (Rüdiger Arnzen); On the Manuscripts of the Ilähiyyät of Avicenna's Kitäb al-shifä? (Amos Bertolacci). - 'Abd al-Latïf al-Baghdädï's Kitäb al-Hayawän: a Chimaera? (Remke Kruk)A Treatise on Meteorology by Mu?ammad ibn Musä al-Tälishï (ms. Daiber Collection ii, 82) (Hidemi Takahashi); Zur Überlieferung von Aristoteles PA IV 9. 684b 22 ωσ̔́περει ̓́τις νοησ́ειεν επ̓ ̓ευθ̓ειάς (Aafke van Oppenraay; Al-'Amirï on Vision and the Visible. Variations on Traditional Visual Theories (Elvira Wakelnig); Cross-cultural Transmissions of ArabicPhilosophy and Science; Ibn Sab'ïn and Raimundus Lullus-The Question of the Arabic Sources of Lullus' Logic Revisited (Anna Akasoy and Alexander Fidora). - Al-Ghazälï's Mïzän al-?amal: an Ethical Summa Based on Ibn Sïnä and al-Räghib al-I?fahänï (Jules Janssens)Ms. Mahdawi 514. An Anonymous Commentary of Ibn Mattawayh's Kitäb al-tadhkira (Sabine Schmidtke); Suhrawardï on Modal Syllogisms (Tony Street); History of Science; The Religious Approach to Natural Sciences: the Case of Mineralogy in the Ikhwän al-?afä? and in ?amïd al-Dïn al-Kirmänï (Carmela Baffioni); The Creation and Innovation of Medieval Hebrew Medical Terminology: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush (Gerrit Bos). - Alexander of Aphrodisias, De unitate: a Pseudepigraphical Testimony of the De unitate et uno by Dominicus Gundissalinus (Cristina D'Ancona). - Une classification ismaélienne des sciences. L'apport d'Abu Ya?qub al-Sijistänï à la 'tradition d'al-Kindï' et ses liens avec Abu 'l-Hasan al-'Amirï (Daniel De Smet)'I was a Hidden Treasure'. Some Notes on a Commentary Ascribed to Mullä ?adrä Shïräzï: Shar? ?adïth: 'Kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan . . .' (Armin Eschraghi); Al-Ghazälï or al-Ghazzälï? On a Lively Debate among Ayyubid and Mamluk Historians in Damascus (Frank Griffel); Averroes' Understanding of the Philosopher's Role in Society (Alfred L. Ivry). - Weather Forecasting, Lunar Mansions and a Disputed Attribution: the Tractatus pluviarum et aeris mutationis and Epitome totius astrologiae of 'Iohannes Hispalensis' (Charles Burnett)The Book of Animals by Aristotle (Lou Filius); The Earliest Known Schemes of Islamic Sacred Geography (Mónica Herrera-Casais and Petra G. Schmidl); 'Unmasking the Craft': ?Abd al-La?ïf al-Baghdädï's Views on Alchemy and Alchemists (N. Peter Joosse); Mathematical Geography in Fifteenth-Century Egypt: an Episode in the Decline of Islamic Science (David A. King). - The articles in this volume dedicated to Hans Daiber, one of the pioneering scholars in the history of Islamic thought in the Middle Ages, offer new insights into this field from a variety of perspectives: philological, philosophical, and historical.
Electronic books. . - Festskrifter (Form) : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01077. - Festskrifter
9004165657. - 9789004165656

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