Anthology of sacred song : volume 4 : celebrated arias selected from oratorios by old and modern composers : bass

edited by Max Spicker
Musikknoter Engelsk · Spillepartitur
[New York] : Schirmer
1 spillepartitur
Distribusjonsnummer: HL50325810. - Edisjonsnummer: ED-525. - For bass og klaver, opprinnelig for bass og orkester. - Inneholder arier fra engelske, franske, tyske, tsjekkiske og nederlandske oratorier. - Titler og tekster kun på engelsk. - Mighty Lord and King - O Lord, my darken'd heart enlighten (Christmas oratorio) / Bach. O Lord, God of my master - The daughters of the city (Rebekah) / Joseph Barnby. How great, O Lord, is Thy goodness (St. Peter) / Julius Benedict. Betray'd! betray'd! - Despoiled is thy crown of honor (The fall of Jerusalem) / Martin Blumner. God, my father (The seven last Words) / Théodore Dubois. Give ear, ye people! (St. Ludmilla) / Dvorak. Glory to thee, o Lord (Ruth) / Alfred Robert Gaul. Tears, such as tender fathers shed (Deborah) / Händel. I feel, the deity within - arm, ye brave (Judas Maccabaeus) / Händel. Thus saith the Lord - But who may abide - For behold darkness shall cover - The people that walked in darkness - Why do the nations - Behold, I tell you a mystery - The trumpet shall sound (The Messiah) / Händel. Humbled with fear - His sceptre is the rod of righteousness (Occasional oratorio) / Händel. My father, look upon my anguish (The passion) / Händel. Honor and arms (Samson) / Händel. And God said, let the waters - Rolling in foaming billows - And God said, let the earth - Now heav'n in fullest glory (The creation) / Haydn. At last the bounteous sun - With joy - Lo! where the plenteous harvest - Behold, along the dewy grass (The seasons) / Haydn. Jeremiah's lament (The destruction of Jerusalem) / Ferdinand Hiller. King of Israel - Obedience 'tis (Saul) / Ferdinand Hiller. Truly, this man was the son of God - Holy one, dying for mortales ( The burial of Christ) / August Klughardt. Fare ye on - God is eternal (Moses) / Samuel de Lange. The wilderness shall be (The rose of Sharon) / Alexander Campbell Mackenzie. Idlest of dreams - O my home (The nativity) / Henry Maréchal. Ah, Mary, give an ear - The days are all sunshine (Mary magdalen) / Massenet. Draw near, all you people - Lord God of Abraham - Is not his word like a fire - It is enough ( Elijah) / Mendelssohn. Consume them all - O God, have mercy - O wherefore do you these things - For know ye know ( St. Paul) / Mendelssohn. Leed me o Lord ( Abraham) / Bernard Molique. Lord, hear my voice ( The world's end) / Joachim Raff. Anger is welling - Wake, ye spirit ( Paradise lost) / Anton Rubinstein. Tears of sorrow (Calvary) / Spohr. Daughters of Jerusalem ( The light of the world) / Arthur Sullivan

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