North-vvest Fox, or Fox from the North-West Passage : beginning vvith King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia : following with briefe abstracts of the voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge : together with the courses, distance, latitudes, longitudes ... : Mr. Iames Hall's three voyages to Groynland, with a topographical description of the countries ..., demonstrated in a polar card ... , with the author his owne voyage, being the XVIth, with the opinions and collections of the most famous mathematicians ...

by Luke Foxe
Bok Engelsk 1635 · Reiseskildringer
London : Printed by B. Alsop & Tho. Favvcet , 1635
269 s., 1 fold. pl. : ill.
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