World Without Secrets : Business, Crime and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing

Richard. Hunter
Bok Engelsk 2002 · Electronic books.
New York : : Wiley, , 2002.
1 online resource (306 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - World Without Secrets; CONTENTS; PREFACE; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE WE START; A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NEXT 10 YEARS; CHAPTER 1: Why Won't They Leave Me Alone?; The Power of Names and Numbers; What Does It Take to Create a Universe?; Crossing Over; More Data, More Power, Few Controls; Unstoppable Momentum; By the Numbers; Where Did the Secrets Go?; CHAPTER 2: Streets Without Secrets; How the Future Worked in the Past; Authentication and the Exception Economy; How It Works in Tampa; What the Software Knows; Yes, Probably; Does It Work?; More Faces in View; Walk with Me. - CHAPTER 5: The N Party System: The Era of the Network ArmyHow Scenarios Work; The Scenarios for Social Structures; The Quadrants; The Engineered Society; The Lost and Lonely; The Conscientious Objectors; The Network Army; I Repeat: The Network Is an Amplifier; CHAPTER 6: Software Without Secrets; Disruptive, Quite; Business Without Secrets; Interviewing Raymond; Hackers and Crackers; From Communities to Network Army; Open Source Is More Than Open Source; Yeah, It's a High-Performance Team; Is This Message Clear?; The Medium and the Message; Why They Listen; Power Grabs, Not. - CHAPTER 9: In the Exception Economy, Be Exceptional. - Ideological Conflict and CorruptionNemesis and the Network Army; Can I Be Your Enemy?; Generals Are Always Fighting the Last War; The Message and the Medium, and the Audience for Linux; If You're Losing the Battles, Change the Battlefield; Free Stuff Kills Competitors, Not Markets; Why Not Just Let the Market Do Its Work?; Maybe Someone Can Be Convinced; How Did Things Get So Bad?; A Few Pointers for Engineered Society Generals; Hunter's Second Law; CHAPTER 7: The Rise of the Mentat; Mentat Defined; Why Mentats?; Mentats Have (Hidden) Power; Mentats Provide Less Information. - Keep WalkingDo the Math; Draw the Lines; So?; Eternally Vigilant?; CHAPTER 3: Homes Without Secrets; I Want This Why?; KISS; About Those Cameras; Data at Rest; The Rules; We Are the Boundary; CHAPTER 4: Cars Without Secrets; The Technical Stuff: Telematics; Who Hears What; The More You Give, the More You Get; Who's Driving?; What the Owner Wants; Cars Without Secrets, Now; What the Car Knows; Suppose; Private by Intention; What Can Policy Do?; Call Me Any Time; Speaking of Enhancing Performance; Making the Drivers Smart; Smart Cars, Yes; It's Simple, Not; Hunter's First Law. - The Network MentatThe Mentat Reviewer; Choose Your Mentat; Trust Matters; Mentats and the Law of Inertia; Mentats and I-Filters; Hunter's Second Law-Personal and Institutional Conflict; Breaking the Bubble; Would Breaking the Bubble Have Saved Cisco?; Reality Always Wins (in the World Without Secrets and Everywhere Else); On the Interactions of Laws; CHAPTER 8: Distracted Consumers, Mentats, and Timothy McVeigh; The Path of Least Resistance; It's Easier If You Don't Ask; So Why Look?; Did McVeigh Do It?; The Necessary Knowledge Is That of What to Observe; What Do You See?. - The future of computing-the future of businessRapid technological innovation is moving us towards a world of ubiquitous computing-a world in which we are surrounded by smart machines that are always on, always aware, and always monitoring us. These developments will create a world virtually without secrets in which information is widely available and analyzable worldwide. This environment will certainly affect business, government, and the individual alike, dramatically affecting the way organizations and individuals interact. This book explores the implications of the coming world and sug

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