1. Outside : the Nathan Adler diaries: a hyper cycle

David Bowie
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1995 · pop
[S.l.] : BMG , 1995
1 CD
BMG: 74321303392. - Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Leon takes us outside ; Outside ; The hearts filthy lesson ; A small plot of land ; Segue - Baby Grace ; Hallo Spaceboy ; The motel ; I have not been to Oxford Town ; No control ; Segue - Algeria touchshriek ; The voyeur of utter destruction (as beauty) ; Segue - Ramona A. Stone/I am with name ; Wishful beginnings ; We prick you ; Segue - Nathan Adler ; I'm deranged ; Thru' these architects eyes ; Segue - Nathan Adler ; Strangers when we meet
pop . - rock

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