Health in later life: A nursing perspective

Ariel Almevall
Bok Engelsk 2024

Luleå : Luleå University of Technology , 2024
1 b.
In conclusion, health in later life is not merely about avoiding a decline in health; rather, it involves integrating existing aspects into an ever-changing situation. However, challenges such as living alone, experiencing depressive symptoms, and coping with illness and/or functional disability can pose threats, risking overall health and survival. In contrast, for those living with disabilities and illnesses with extensive care needs, the significance of daily life becomes paramount. Simultaneously, the relationship between older women and registered nurse emerges as a recurring connection with the potential not only to enhance daily life but also to serve as a consistent and supportive presence in the home.Delarbeid1. Self-rated health in old age, related factors and survival: A 20-Year longitudinal study within the Silver-MONICA cohort2. Exploring the meaning of a good life for older widows with extensive need of care: a qualitative in-home interview study3. Perceptions of a good life for the oldest old living at home

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