Collins bird guide

text & maps by Lars Svensson ; illustrations & captions by Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström ; translated by David Christie & Lars Svensson
Bok Engelsk 2022 Fågelguiden
Annen tittel
476 sider : illustrasjoner, kartor
Third edition
Titelbladets baksida: "Translation and English adaptation: David A. Christie & Lars Svensson". - INTRODUCTION -- SPECIES ACCOUNTS -- Swans Cygnus -- Geese Anser, Branta -- Dabbling ducks Anatini -- Diving ducks Aythya, Somateria et al. -- Wildfowl hybrids -- Sawbills Mergas et al. -- Grouse Tetraoninae -- Partridges and pheasants Phasianinae -- Loons Gaviidae -- Grebes Podicipedidae -- Watching seabirds -- Shearwaters, petrels et al. Procellariiformes -- Gannets Sulidae -- Pelicans Pelecanidae -- Cormorants Phalacrocoracidae -- Herons, storks and ibises Ciconiiformes -- Flamingos Phoenicopteriformes -- Birds of prey Accipitriformes -- Osprerys Pandionidae -- Vultures Gypaetus, Neophron, Gyp et al. -- Eagles Aquila, Circaetus et al. -- Kites Milvus et al. -- Harriers Circus -- Buzzards Buteo, Pernis -- Hawks Accipiter -- Falcons Falconidae -- Rails, crakes and coots Rallidae -- Cranes Gruidae -- Bustards Otididae -- Waders Charadriiformes -- Plovers and lapwings Pluvialis, Vanellus -- Sandpipers, stints, curlews, snipes et al. -- Skuas Stercorariidae -- Gulls Laridae -- Terns Sternidae -- Marsh terns Chlidonias -- Auks Alcidae -- Sandgrouse Pteroclididae -- Pigeons and doves Columbidae -- Cuckoos Cuculidae -- Owls Strigiformes -- Nightjars Caprimulgidae -- Swifts Apodidae -- Hoopoe, kingfishers Upupa, Alcedinidae -- Bee-eaters, Roller Meropidae, Coracias -- Woodpeckers Picidae -- Larks Alaudidae -- Swallows and martins Hirundinidae -- Pipits and wagtails Motacillidae -- Dipper, Waxwing, Hypocolius -- Accentors Prunellidae -- Nightingales, redstarts, wheateaters et al. Muscicapiade -- Thrushes Turdidae -- Warblers Sylviidae -- Crests, Wren Regulus, Troglodytes -- Flycatchers Muscicapidae -- Tits Paridae et al. -- Nuthatches Sittidae -- Wallcreeper Tichodromidae -- Treecreepers Certhiidae -- Shrikes Laniidae -- Bulbuls, sunbirds Pycnonotidae, Nectariniidae -- Babblers Timaliidae -- Crows Corvidae -- Starlings Sturnidae -- Orioles Oriolidae -- Sparrows Passeridae -- Finches Fringillidae -- Crossbills Loxia -- Buntings Emberizidae -- North American passerines -- VAGRANTS -- ACCIDENTALS -- INTRODUCED BREEDING SPECIES AND SPECIES RECORDED ONLY AS ESCAPES. - The new edition has an extra 32 pages allowing several groups more space and completely or partly new plates with more detailed text: grouse, loons, several groups of raptors, terns, owls, swifts, woodpeckers, swallows, redstarts and some other relatives to the flycatchers (formerly often called small thrushes), tits and a few finches and buntings are some of these. More than 50 plates are either new or have been repainted, completely or partly. Apart from this, a few new vignettes have been added. The section with vagrants has been expanded to accommodate more images and longer texts for several species. The entire text and all maps have of course also been revised. The book provides all the information needed to identify any species at any time of the year, covering size, habitat, range, identification and voice. Accompanying every species entry is a distribution map and illustrations showing the species in all the major plumages (male, female, immature, in flight, at rest, feeding: whatever is important). In addition, each group of birds includes an introduction which covers the major problems involved in identifying or observing them: how to organise a sea watching trip, how to separate birds of prey in flight, which duck hybrids can be confused with which main species. These and many other common birdwatching questions are answered.
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