Therapeutic reasoning in occupational therapy : how to develop critical thinking for practice

Jane Clifford O'Brien, Mary Elizabeth Patnaude, Teressa Garcia Reidy.
Tale på CD Engelsk 2024

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Oslo : Tibi - Biblioteket for tilrettelagt litteratur , 2024
I prod. per mai 2024. - William. - Fra forlagets omtale: This book provides students and OT practitioners with foundational knowledge on critical thinking and clinical reasoning to prepare them to be effective decision-makers in practice. The authors use a practical approach by presenting theory interspersed with case examples, learning activities, and worksheets that can be used in classroom or practice settings to develop therapeutic reasoning.

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Therapeutic reasoning in occupational therapy : how to develop critical thinking for practice
Jane Clifford O'Brien, Mary Elizabeth Pat...

Daisy lydbok · Engelsk · 2024

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