How to talk about books you haven't read

Pierre Bayard ; translated from the French by Jeffrey Mehlman
Bok Bokmål 2007 · Humor
New York : Bloomsbury , 2007
XXI, 185 s.
Har innholdsfortegnelse, noter. - Har du noen gang opplevd å komme opp i en situasjon der du må snakke om en bok uten å ha lest den? Pierre Bayard kommer her med tips til hvordan man best løser en slik knipe. Han mener nemlig at det er fullt mulig å ha samtaler om bøker man ikke har lest, og også med andre som heller ikke har lest dem. Pierre Bayard er litteraturprofessor og aktiv psykoanalytiker. - With so many important books out there, and thousands more being published each year, what are we supposed to do in those inevitable social situations where we're forced to talk about books we haven't read? Pierre Bayard argues that it doesn't really matter if you've read a book or not. (In fact, in certain situations, reading the book is the worst thing you could do.) Championing the various forms of "non-reading," "How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read "is really a celebration of books, for book lovers everywhere to enjoy, ponder, argue about-and perhaps even read
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