The beautiful ones

Bok Engelsk 2019 · Biografisk
New York : Spiegel & Grau , 2019
288 sider : illustrasjoner
Dette er en selvbiografi fra en av de aller største musikerne gjennom tidene. Prince Rogers Nelson var et musikalsk geni som skrev sin første sang som syvåring. Med over 100 millioner plater solgt på verdensbasis er han en av verdens bestselgende artister noensinne. Dette er historien om hans liv og virke og om hvordan han som barn med enorm kreativitet skapte seg et persona og en ambisiøs kunstnerisk visjon. Boken er fortalt i fire deler, hvor den første delen består av biografien han skrev før sin død i 2016, en historie om hans egen barndom. Den andre delen tar oss inn i Princes tidlige år som musiker, før utgivelsen av hans første album, delvis fortalt gjennom fotografier og hans eget skriftlige arbeider. Den tredje delen viser Princes utvikling gjennom tekst og bilder som følger ham til randen av hans største bragd, Purple Rain. Omtalen er utarbeidet av BS.. - The brilliant coming-of-age-and-into-superstardom story of one of the greatest artists of all time, in his own words-featuring never-before-seen photos, original scrapbooks and lyric sheets, and the exquisite memoir he began writing before his tragic death Prince was a musical genius, one of the most beloved, accomplished, and acclaimed musicians of our time. He was a startlingly original visionary with an imagination deep enough to whip up whole worlds, from the sexy, gritty funk paradise of "Uptown" to the mythical landscape of Purple Rain to the psychedelia of "Paisley Park." But his most ambitious creative act was turning Prince Rogers Nelson, born in Minnesota, into Prince, one of the greatest pop stars of any era. The Beautiful Ones is the story of how Prince became Prince-a first-person account of a kid absorbing the world around him and then creating a persona, an artistic vision, and a life, before the hits and fame that would come to define him. The book is told in four parts. The first is the memoir Prince was writing before his tragic death, pages that bring us into his childhood world through his own lyrical prose. The second part takes us through Prince's early years as a musician, before his first album was released, via an evocative scrapbook of writing and photos. The third section shows us Prince's evolution through candid images that go up to the cusp of his greatest achievement, which we see in the book's fourth section: his original handwritten treatment for Purple Rain-the final stage in Prince's self-creation, where he retells the autobiography of the first three parts as a heroic journey. The book is framed by editor Dan Piepenbring's riveting and moving introduction about his profound collaboration with Prince in his final months-a time when Prince was thinking deeply about how to reveal more of himself and his ideas to the world, while retaining the mystery and mystique he'd so carefully cultivated

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The beautiful ones
Prince ; edited by Dan Piepenbring.

Bok · Engelsk · 2019

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