We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves : A Novel

Karen Joy Fowler
Bok Engelsk 2014 · Drama
New York : Penguin Group , 2014
310 s.
Starred Review* As a girl in Indiana, Rosemary, Fowler’s breathtakingly droll 22-year-old narrator, felt that she and Fern were not only sisters but also twins. So she was devastated when Fern disappeared. Then her older brother, Lowell, also vanished. Rosemary is now prolonging her college studies in California, unsure of what to make of her life. Enter tempestuous and sexy Harlow, a very dangerous friend who forces Rosemary to confront her past. We then learn that Rosemary’s father is a psychology professor, her mother a nonpracticing scientist, and Fern a chimpanzee. Fowler, author of the best-selling The Jane Austen Book Club (2004), vigorously and astutely explores the profound consequences of this unusual family configuration in sustained flashbacks. Smart and frolicsome Fern believes she is human, while Rosemary, unconsciously mirroring Fern, is instantly tagged “monkey girl” at school. Fern, Rosemary, and Lowell all end up traumatized after they are abruptly separated. As Rosemary—lonely, unmoored, and caustically funny—ponders the mutability of memories, the similarities and differences between the minds of humans and chimps, and the treatment of research animals, Fowler slowly and dramatically reveals Fern and Lowell’s heartbreaking yet instructive fates. Piquant humor, refulgent language, a canny plot rooted in real-life experiences, an irresistible narrator, threshing insights, and tender emotions—Fowler has outdone herself in this deeply inquisitive, cage-rattling novel. - Rosemary er ung en ung kvinne som akkurat har begynt på college. Og hun har bestemt seg for å ikke fortelle noen om sin familie. Så vi har ikke tenkt til å fortelle deg så mye vi heller. Du må finne det ut selv, cirka på side 77. Rosemary er nå enebarn, men hun pleide å ha en søster på samme alder, og en eldre bror. Begge er nå borte. De forsvant fra livet hennes. Det er noe unikt ved Rosemary's søster Fern. Og det var avgjørelsen som ble tatt av foreldrene hennes om å gi Rosemary en søster ulik alle andre som ble begynnelsen på Rosemarys problemer. Så nå forteller hun sin historie. Det er en fortelling som går i loop. Som begynner mot slutten, og deretter går tilbake til begynnelsen. To ganger

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