Investigative journalism

Edited by Hugo de Burgh and Paul Lashmar
Bok Engelsk 2021 Investigative journalism
xvi, 299
Third edition
1. utgave: 2000. - 2. utgave 2008. - Introduction / HUGO de BURGH. Chapter One: Data journalism in a time of epic data leaks / HAMISH BOLAND-RUDDER & WILL FITZGIBBON. Chapter Two: National security / PAUL LASHMAR. Chapter Three: New models of funding and executing / GLENDA COOPER. Chapter Four: Digital sleuthing / FÉLIM MCMAHON. Chapter Five: Kill one and a dozen return / STEPHEN GREY. Chapter Six: Legal threats in the UK / SARAH KAVANAGH. Chapter Seven: Mission-driven journalism / RACHEL OLDROYD. Chapter Eight: Grassroots operations / RACHEL HAMADA. Chapter Nine: China and the digital era / WANG HAIYAN & FAN JICHEN. Chapter Ten: Syria: the war and before / SABA BEBAWI. Chapter Eleven: Survival in Turkey / SELIN BUCAK. Chapter Twelve: Poland since 1989 / MAREK PALCZEWSKI. Chapter Thirteen: India’s paradox / PRASUN SONWALKAR. Chapter Fourteen: Malaysia: a case study in global corruption / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN. Chapter Fifteen: Ten years in Nigeria / EMEKA UMEIJI & SULEIMAN A. SULEIMAN. Chapter Sixteen: The European Union and the rise of collaboration / BRIGITTE ALFTER. Chapter Seventeen: Investigative Journalism in Latin America Today / MAGDALENA SALDAÑA & SILVIO WAISBORD. Chapter Eighteen: How the United Kingdom’s tabloids go about it / ROY GREENSLADE. Chapter Nineteen: The United Kingdom: reporting of the far-right / PAUL JACKSON. Chapter Twenty: The United Kingdom’s Private Eye: the ‘club’ the powerful fear / PATRICK WARD. Afterword: A manifesto for investigative journalism in the 21st century / PAUL LASHMAR. - This third edition maps the new world of investigative journalism, where technology and globalisation have connected and energised journalists, whistle-blowers and the latest players, with far-reaching consequences for politics and business worldwide. In this new edition, expert contributors demonstrate how crowdsourcing, big data, globalisation of information, and changes in media ownership and funding have escalated the impact of investigative journalists. The book includes case studies of investigative journalism from around the world, including the exposure of EU corruption, the destruction of the Malaysian environment, and investigations in China, Poland and Turkey. From Ibero-America to Nigeria, India to the Arab world, investigative journalists intensify their countries’ evolution by inquisition and revelation. This new edition reveals how investigative journalism has gone digital and global. Investigative Journalism is essential for all those intending to master global politics, international relations, media and justice in the 21st century. -- Forlagets beskrivelse
undersøkende journalistikk gravejournalistikk

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