The space we're in

Katya Balen · illustrated by Laura Carlin
Bok Engelsk · Roman
291 sider : illustrasjoner
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Frank is ten. He likes cottage pie and football and cracking codes. Max is five. He eats only Quavers and some colours are too bright for him and if he has to wear a new T-shirt he melts down down down. Sometimes Frank wishes Mum could still do huge paintings of stars and asteroids like she used to, but since Max was born she just doesn't have time. When tragedy hits Frank and Max's lives like a comet, can Frank piece together a universe in which he and Max aren't light years apart?. - Passer for 6-9 år

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The space we're in
Katya Balen ; illustrated by Laura Carlin...

Bok · Engelsk · 2019

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