The adventure of English : 500 AD to 2000 : the biography of a language

Melvyn Bragg
CD Engelsk 2003
London : Hodder Headline , 2003
3 CD (3 t)
Forkortet av Neville Teller. - English is the collective work of millions of people throughout the ages. It is democratic, ever-changing and ingenious in its assimilation of other cultures. English runs through the heart of world finance, medicine and the Internet and it is understood by around two thousand million people across the world. Yet it was very nearly wiped out in its early years. In this title Melvyn Bragg shows us the remarkable story of the English language: from its beginnings as a minor guttural Germanic dialect to its position today as a truly established global language. Embracing elements of Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi and Gullah, this 1500-year story covers a huge range of countries and peoples. The Story of English is not only a story of power, religion and trade, but also the story of people, and how their day-to-day lives shaped and continue to change the extraordinary language that is English.

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