Electric version

New Pornographers
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2003 · Pop
Matador , 2003
1 CD + bilag
Utgivernummer: OLE 551-2. - The electric version. - From blown speakers. - The laws have changed. - The end of medicine. - Loose translation. - Chump change. - All for swinging you araound. - The new face of zero and one. - Testament to youth in verse. - It's only divine right. - Ballad of a comeback kid. - July Jones. - Miss teen wordpower.. - Case, Neko. - Chattaway, Monica. - Collins, John. - Dahle, Kurt. - Fancey, Todd. - New Pornographers. - Newman, Carl. - O'Connor, Nora. - Rainey, nyla. - Sars, Tim. - Thurier, Blaine
Pop . - Popmusikk . - Rock
781.64 . - O1

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Electric version
The New Pornographers
The New Pornograperhs

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 2003
Electric version
The New Pornographers
The New Pornographers

Bok · Engelsk · 2003

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