Hard to be a God

a film by Aleksei Yureyevich German
Blu-ray Russisk 2015
Annen tittel
[S.l.] : Arrow Films , cop. 2015
1 plate (Blu-ray) (177 min) : lyd, s./h.
Ekstramateriale: introduction by co-screenwriter Svetlana Karmalita, interview with Aleksei German Jr., trailer, The history of the Arkanar Massacre, an appreciation of the film by Daniel Bird, The unknown genius: Michael Brooke looks at Aleksei Grman's creatively dazzling but politically troubled career m.m.. - Filmen bygger på en roman av Arkadij Strugackij og Boris Strugackij. - Produksjon: Russland, 2013. - Science fiction. - Sonefri. - Leonid Jarmol'nik, Jurij Curilo, Natal'ja Moteva, Aleksandr Čutko
science fiction

Andre utgaver/formater

Hard to be a god
en Aleksei German film

DVD · Russisk · 2013

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