24 treff

ions congresses
Conference on the Role of Metal Ions in Biological Systems
Bok Engelsk 1973 · Vis mer
Conference on Optical Properties of Ions in Crystals
Bok Engelsk 1967 · Vis mer
International Conference on the Physics of Highly ChargedIons
Bok Engelsk 1991 · Vis mer
International Conference on Water and Ions in Biological Systems
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1985 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Intestinal Ion Transport
Bok Engelsk 1976 · Vis mer

Bok Engelsk 1995 · Vis mer
International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment, and Applications
Bok Engelsk 1993 · Vis mer
Conference on Superionic Conductors: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications
Bok Engelsk 1976 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Optical Properties of Ions in Solids
Bok Engelsk 1975 · Vis mer
International School of Heavy Ion Physics
Bok Engelsk 1988 · Vis mer
edited by W. Lindinger, T. D. Märk, and F...
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1984 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Fast Ion Transport in Solids
Bok Engelsk 1993 · Vis mer
edited by R. G. Johnson
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1983 · Vis mer
organized and edited by A. Carrington and...
Bok Engelsk 1988 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fast Ion Transport in Solids, Solid State Batteries and Devices
Bok Engelsk 1973 · Vis mer
edited by E. Arimondo, W. D. Phillips and...
Bok Engelsk 1992 · Vis mer
edited by Joseph Casanova
Bok Engelsk 1998 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Atomic Physics of Highly-Ionized Atoms
Bok Engelsk 1983 · Vis mer
edited by John H. Durham and Marcos A. Ha...
Bok Engelsk 1989 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Molecular and CellularMechanisms of H+ Transport
Bok Engelsk 1994 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Particle Production in Highly Excited Matter
Bok Engelsk 1993 · Vis mer
Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics
Bok Engelsk 1991 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Atomic Physics of Highly-Ionized Atoms
Bok Engelsk 1989 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Chemistry of Ions in theGas Phase
Bok Engelsk 1984 · Vis mer