60 treff

biological transport congresses
edited by José A. Zadunaisky
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1982 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Membrane Proteins in Transportand Phosphorylation
Bok Engelsk 1974 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Lipid Transport
Bok Engelsk 1964 · Vis mer
International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue
Bok Engelsk 1990 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Biomechanical TransportProcesses
Bok Engelsk 1990 · Vis mer
International Conference on Water and Ions in Biological Systems
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1985 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Oxygen Transport to Tissue
Bok Engelsk 1978 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Intestinal Ion Transport
Bok Engelsk 1976 · Vis mer
International Conference on Biological Membranes
Bok Engelsk 1974 · Vis mer
organized by the Department of Biochemist...
Bok Engelsk 1972 · Vis mer
International Conference on Hydrogen Ion Transport in Epithelia
Bok Engelsk 1980 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Calcium Transport in Contraction and Secretion
Bok Engelsk 1975 · Vis mer
Symposium on Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Metabolism: Focus on Glucose Transport, Exercise, and Diabetes
Bok Engelsk 1998 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Function and Molecular Aspects of Biomembrane Transport
Bok Engelsk 1979 · Vis mer
International Conference on Na+, K+-ATPase
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1988 · Vis mer
International Conference on Proteins of Iron Storage and Transport
Bok Engelsk 1982 · Vis mer
International Conference on Biological Membranes
Bok Engelsk 1972 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Electron Transfer Chains and Oxidative Phosphorylation
Bok Engelsk 1975 · Vis mer
Symposium on the Molecular Basis of Membrane Function
Bok Engelsk 1969 · Vis mer
Shoresh Workshop on Ion Pumps
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1988 · Vis mer
International Conference on Biological Membranes
Bok Engelsk 1986 · Vis mer
International Conference on Intestinal Absorption and Secretion
Bok Engelsk 1984 · Vis mer
International Symposium on Calcium Modulators
Bok Engelsk 1982 · Vis mer
Conference on Biochemical and Clinical Aspects of Peptideand Amino Acid Absorption
Bok Engelsk 1973 · Vis mer
Symposium on Biophysics and Physiology of Biological Transport
Bok Engelsk 1967 · Vis mer
edited by John H. Durham and Marcos A. Ha...
Bok Engelsk 1989 · Vis mer
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Structure, Biogenesis andDynamics of Biological Membranes
Bok Engelsk 1994 · Vis mer
editors Mark Donowitz, Geoffrey W. G. Sha...
Bok Engelsk 1984 · Vis mer
American Chemical Society Symposium on Surface Chemistry of Biological Systems
Bok Engelsk 1970 · Vis mer
edited by Avraham Oplatka and Miriam Bala...
Bok Språk ikke angitt · Vis mer