Black Mirror : 2

DVD 2013
1 disc
Be right back Martha's boyfriend Ash is killed while returning a hire van the day after they move into a new house in the countryside. Martha learns she is pregnant and tests a service that her friend signed her up to: by aggregating Ash's many social media posts and online communications, an artificial intelligence (AI) imitation of Ash is created. Martha interacts with him via instant messaging and video call, talking on countryside walks and neglecting her sister's attempts to reach out. The next stage is a physical android version of Ash, which begins to make Martha uncomfortable. She argues with him and takes him to a cliff where she orders him to jump, but Martha is then frustrated as the real Ash would not obey such a command. Several years later, on Martha's daughter's birthday, her daughter takes a slice of cake to the android Ash kept in the attic, which she is only permitted to visit on weekends. White bear A woman wakes up in a house with amnesia. People on the street record her but do not speak. After being chased by a masked man, she flees and meets Jem, another woman hiding from those known as "hunters". Jem explains that the people recording her have been affected by a strange signal, while the hunters are unaffected sadists. The woman follows Jem in her plan to destroy the signal transmitter. A hunter, Baxter, holds them at gunpoint in a forest but Jem kills him. When they reach the facility, hunters attack. The woman wrestles a shotgun away but it only sprays confetti. The whole day has been a staged performance, and everybody but the woman—named Victoria Skillane—was an actor or audience member. Victoria was an accomplice to the child murderer Iain Rannoch. Victoria was sent to the White Bear Justice Park, wherein her memory is wiped at the end of each day so that the punishment and entertainment can begin afresh. The Waldo moment Jamie Salter controls a computer-animated bear named Waldo on a satirical show. Waldo pranks politicians by asking vulgar questions in interviews. After interviewing the Conservative Liam Monroe, Waldo is entered for a by-election in a Conservative safe seat where Monroe is standing. Jamie meets the Labour candidate Gwendolyn Harris and they have sex, but Harris is made to avoid further contact during the campaign. At a student-organised hustings, Waldo derides both Monroe and Harris. The event goes viral and Jamie meets with an American agent interested in using Waldo's image. After Harris rejects Jamie's apology, Jamie publicly reveals himself as the man behind Waldo and urges people not to vote for him. His executive Jack takes over Waldo and encourages the public to attack Jamie. In a hospital, he sees that Monroe won and Waldo came second. Later, a homeless Jamie is tasered by police for throwing a bottle at a screen that displays Waldo on every channel.

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