The entrepreneurs : the relentless quest for value

Derek Lidow
Bok Engelsk 2022
xii, 422 sider : illustrasjoner
"The idea of the entrepreneur resonates in society's imagination. Had he lived through the dot-com boom and the rise of Apple, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, Carl Jung might have identified the entrepreneur as one of humanity's universal archetypes, along with the hero, the jester, or the magician. Each of us holds a vibrant mental image of what an entrepreneur is-brilliant, driven, reckless, broke or rich as Midas-but these associations don't map to reality. In fact, entrepreneurship, as a function, is poorly understood even by today's entrepreneurs and those who aspire to join their ranks. Increasingly, entrepreneurship warps (and is itself warped by) global, systemic factors, from rapid technological innovation to climate change. Entrepreneurs harm society when we don't understand what entrepreneurship's true purpose is and, indeed, has always been. Using a variety of examples, the author explores the negative and positive impacts of entrepreneurship over time, and its implications for the future. He also illustrates the concept of entrepreneurial swarming, where entrepreneurs form clusters in given fields to innovate and scale their ability to create value (and risk)"--

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